Wills, Probate

Trusts, Estate Planning

210 South Beach Street, Suite 202
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(386) 257-3332

Personal Representative

Heidi is a bright star in the universe of Family Planning Attorneys!
Choosing a attorney to trust with your family planning is difficult at the least. We met with various attorneys in hopes the selection process would be easy. Until we met with Heidi we found small things bothered us about each attorney we interviewed.
When we met with Heidi we signed a contract at the end of the meeting. That was unusual for us because, trust me, we like to do due diligence in any decision we make. Heidi not only impressed us with her practical knowledge but her advice and rationale was on the mark.
Now that we have completed our planning I can say we were not disappointed and we feel like we we have someone that will stick with us and our family in case of the unexpected, or just the normal expectations of life and death.
Thank you Heidi for your caring and competence. 

~ Don and Pat T

Helpful, knowledgeable, professional- highly recommend!

~ Karen P

The End of the Year is the Perfect Time to Update Your Asset Inventory

When someone passes away, finding all the accounts, insurance policies, and necessary information to close an entire estate can be a monumental search. When I do an Estate Package for a client I put together a binder. This binder contains all the documents of the Estate Plan for convenience, safe keeping, and future review. Yearly review of your Estate Plan and Asset Inventory is a responsible habit to start and the end of the year is a great time year to implement this practice. Many people create an inventory when they go through the process of initially planning their estate and never touch it again. One easy way to annually update your inventory is to collect the statements you get in the mail at the end of the year for tax purposes. Place them all in a folder as they come in the mail and cross reference this against your inventory. That way you are getting a jump on your taxes AND updating your binder with the most current information on your assets. 
Also, there are significant life events that can trigger changes to the asset inventory. Examples of these are:


If you have gotten a divorce since the drafting of the estate plan and asset inventory, they will need to be changes. In addition, if an heir has gotten divorced this may change how you your assets will be distributed.


If you have gotten married, there may be additional assets that need to be added to your inventory. The information needs to be gathered and put on this list in your estate binder.

Sold or Purchased New Assets.

Did you cash in an insurance policy or purchase a new piece of land? These changes need to be added to your asset inventory to bring it current.
An asset inventory will only provide a clear “road map” for your heirs after you are gone if it is reviewed regularly. An experienced estate planning attorney can help you create an inventory of your assets and make a plan for asset preservation and distribution. If you are in the Daytona Beach, Florida area, call me for a free consultation regarding your Estate Planning needs.


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