Wills, Probate

Trusts, Estate Planning

210 South Beach Street, Suite 202
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(386) 257-3332

Personal Representative

What a wonderful, professional Attorney my family and I found in Heidi Webb! For years, we put off creating a formal will and medical directives, but COVID-19 was the wake up we needed. I knew that we could no longer procrastinate. I searched around town and made a few phone calls and decided on Heidi’s firm. Everything went smoothly. In our first phone conversation, she shared valuable information about things that I never knew or considered. I really appreciated the advice. Her assistant, Molly was also very helpful. Heidi provided all the forms we needed to protect our family and property as well as our medical wishes. The process did not take long and was done via telephone, email, mail, and video conferencing. We could have gone into her office to complete the process, but we chose to use these methods due to COVID-19 restrictions. I am so thankful to Heidi and her team for their help getting things in order for our family. I consider her to be trustworthy and highly ethical. Based on our experience with Heidi and her team, I also consider her to be warm and welcoming with all varying types of people and cultures. Thanks again Heidi and Team!

~ Cecile B

Hi Heidi,

Just a note to say thank you for being so helpful and kind to my co-workers. I recommend you to anyone who needs an attorney like you.

If all attorneys were like you, maybe they would not have such a bad rep.

~ Debbie J.

estate planning definitions

Estate Planning Definitions

As I sat down to write the blog this month, I reviewed my past posts for inspiration. I came up with a post giving Estate Planning definitions of the terms that I use in my practice. I hope this post is an educational resource for anyone new to the legal vocabulary of Estate Planning.

Estate Planning Documents

These documents will vary depending on your circumstances and consist of your Will, Durable Power of Attorney, and Health Care Surrogate Designation. These documents should be kept in a safe environment and their location known by your Personal Representative. I listed the documents I recommend for my clients living in Florida (https://heidiwebb.com/what-documents-should-be-in-my-estate-planning-if-i-live-in-florida/)

Personal Representative of an Estate

A Personal Representative of an estate is an individual appointed to administer the last Will and testament of a deceased person [in many states called an Executor but not in Florida!]. The Personal Representative’s primary duty is to carry out the instructions in the Will to manage the affairs and wishes of the deceased. https://heidiwebb.com/ask-heidi-what-is-the-role-of-the-personal-representative-in-florida/

Durable Power of Attorney

A legal document gives one person [agent] the power to act for another [principal] that does not become invalid if the principal becomes incapacitated —it is ‘durable’ through incapacity.

Notarized Documents

Many legal documents must be notarized to be valid. Notarization serves three purposes:

  • To ensure the person signing a document is identified correctly
  • To ensure the intended person signs the document of their own free Will
  • And to ensure the transaction can be independently verified after the fact

Notarization is a system to prevent fraud.

Beneficiary Forms

A form filled out for insurance policies, retirement accounts, and other assets when set up. A beneficiary form prevails over a Will. Meaning, in some cases if you didn’t remove an ex-spouse from a beneficiary form, your Will giving everything to your new wife or husband is not valid.  This is a complex area that is determined sometimes by federal law and sometimes state, but the general rule is REVIEW/UPDATE beneficiary forms every time you update your Will.


The formal legal process recognizes a Will and appoints the Personal Representative who will administer the estate and distribute assets to the intended beneficiaries.

Please remember that if you are meeting with an attorney and do not understand the terms being used, ask them to explain these Estate Planning definitions to you. This is part of their job as your attorney. Call my office for a free consultation if you live in Daytona Beach or Melbourne, Florida.

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