Wills, Probate

Trusts, Estate Planning

210 South Beach Street, Suite 202
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(386) 257-3332

Personal Representative

We recently completed a new will and trust with Heidi Webb, attorney in Daytona Beach. Even though we had these documents from another state, they needed to be replaced to comply with Florida laws. When we met with Heidi, she reviewed our documents, explained what needed to be done and why, and answered all our questions and concerns. Where other lawyers said what we should do, Heidi asked us what we wanted to do and then explained pros and cons. We never felt rushed and she gave us all the time we needed to make our final decisions. Her professionalism, interest in her clients, friendly personality and care went a long way to making the whole process easy and very pleasant. We highly recommend Heidi Webb for your estate planning needs.

~ Daniel R

Heidi is awesome! She is so supportive and knowledgeable. My mom, my husband and I have all used her services, and I would recommend her to anyone!

~ Ava E

interview loved ones

Interview Loved Ones and Not Just for Estate Planning

In my practice, I preach about talking to your loved ones about their end-of-life paperwork and Estate PLanning PeopleEstate Planning. What I didn’t consider, until I ran across a Facebook post by Brendon Burchard, is what WE lose when a person that has shaped our lives passes away. You may regret not knowing certain things about them as an individual when they are no longer here to ask. Everyone’s life is full of interesting antidotes, experiences, and lessons. If conversations are not held while they are alive, we lose the chance to gather this priceless information. Brendon Burchard held this interview with his father, recorded it, and shared it on Facebook. I think this is a fantastic idea for everyone to do with a loved one, parent, or parent figure. Hold this interview, record it and see this person as a teenager, or young child, and learn what was important to them. This information will bring you comfort when they are gone and you are grieving their passing.


Questions from Brendon Burchard

1. What comes to mind when you think about growing up in [hometown]?
2. What did you love to do as a kid, before high school?
3. What did you love to do in high school?
4. What do remember most about your teenage years?
5. What do you remember most about your mom?
6. What was most important to her?
7. What do you remember most about your dad?
8. What was most important to him?
9. If grandma and grandpa had a message to you and their grandchildren, what do you think it is?
10. How did you meet [spouse] and know (s)he was the one?
11. How did you choose your career and what was your favorite part about it?
12. What made you successful at work?
13. What did you believe about yourself that helped you become successful and deal with hard times?
14. What times in your life truly “tested your mettle,” and what did you learn about yourself by dealing (or not dealing) with them?
15. What three events most shaped your life?
16. What do you remember about when each of us was born?
17. Were you ever scared to be a parent?
18. What three words would you say represented your approach to parenting and why?
19. When you think about [sibling] how would you describe him?
20. What message do you have for [sibling] that you want him to always keep in mind?
[Do the last two questions above for each sibling in your family]
21. When you think about [spouse], how would you describe her/him?
22. What message do you have for [spouse] that you want her/him to always keep in mind?
23. What three words would you say best describe who you tried to be in life and how you want to be remembered?
24. When they think about their careers, what do you want your children to focus on?
25. What have you learned about other people in life? (trustworthy, kind or not and mean)?
26. What do you think the world needs more of right now?
27. What do you believe people want the most in life?
28. What were the three best decisions you’ve ever made?
29. What are you most proud of in life?
30. What were five of the most positive moments of your life?
31. What message would you like to share with your family?
32. What are you most thankful for?

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