Wills, Probate

Trusts, Estate Planning

210 South Beach Street, Suite 202
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(386) 257-3332

Personal Representative

Heidi has prepared wills, durable power of attorney and Living wills for multiple relatives, my mother and me.

We recently needed to update documents for my mom. After a couple of phone consultations during which Heidi asked questions to ascertain all of our needs, we scheduled an appointment to meet and sign. Heidi always displays great level of care, concern and professionalism. She is very knowledgeable and quite thorough. The whole process was very smooth and easy. Mom was comfortable and felt heard and cared for. I have recommended Heidi to a number of friends and family and they have all echoed the same sentiment. If you are looking for the utmost respect and care while completing your estate planning I urge you to call Heidi.

~ Michael U

Our experience with Heidi Webb was fantastic. She explained all that was needed to build our estate planning. The customer service that was provided was well above excellent. We requested our estate plan be available to us in a short period of time. This was well met and gave us a great sense of gratitude. We can now go on with doing what we do and not have to worry about our estate, knowing that all our documents are now in order for our family.

~ George B

Red Flags to Look for When Hiring an Estate Planning Attorney

Estate Planning is not black and white or an easy area of law to navigate by yourself without legal counsel. Estate Planning is an area of the law that can have everlasting (and devastating) effects on you and your loved one’s future. As with any legal matter, it is essential to remember to choose a lawyer that specializes in the field that you need assistance. As you would not ask your electrician to fix your broken toilet, selecting a specific attorney in their area of expertise is incredibly important.

Here are some other red flags and things to avoid when you are hiring an estate planning attorney:

Non-Licensed Attorneys

It may seem obvious that when you are making an estate plan, it is essential to seek proper legal advice. Only a licensed attorney can legally give you advice on how to best protect your assets from taxes, probate, and the costs of long-term care. The results of the unauthorized practice of law can be disastrous.

One-Size-Fits-All Planning

There are many general practitioners or legal document websites that can provide you with a basic and non-customized Last Will & Testament for a minimal cost. Be aware that these documents are usually entirely composed of general language and fail to address any individual or state law issues. You are putting yourself in the position to plug in your name and general information and hope for the best. Every family and situation is unique and each estate plan must be customized to account for the differences. Attorneys who truly focus on estate planning can provide an adequately customized plan which specifically addresses your needs and goals based on where you are in life.  

Big Picture Attorney

An extra bonus is an attorney who also does some Probate and/or Trust Administration —now there’s an attorney who actually sees how their [and others] Estate Plans play out.  MOST of the Formal Probates I do are the result of a flawed Estate Plan generated by either a website, a DIYer or what I refer to as a “Will Mill” —a practice that doesn’t give any thought to their client’s individual circumstances or what the practical result of putting a client’s request into their Will will be.

Carefully selecting the right attorney for the job has a monetary and potentially poignant impact down the road. Take the time to research your options and be sure to consult with a professional who is experienced and proficient in the field of Estate Planning. 





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