Wills, Probate

Trusts, Estate Planning

210 South Beach Street, Suite 202
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(386) 257-3332

Personal Representative

Heidi Webb is a respectable attorney who represented me outstandingly well in my case. In my opinion, I highly recommend her for anyone who is looking for someone to represent them in any difficult and delicate case. She did an excellent job communicating with me and listening to my concerns. She represented me well and treated me and my family very fairly. She was very understanding and helped me get through some of my most difficult times. I love the fact that she advised me very well, explained every detail with my case, often asked about the well being of my children, and informed me with key details throughout the entire process of my case. With Heidi, I felt very comfortable knowing she was in my corner and had no concerns losing her as a professional and family friend. I am so happy on how we finally settled on my case and feel a huge sense of relief and happiness. Thank You Heidi

~ JC

Heidi S. Webb Attorney at Law has assisted me with legal advice on a number of occasions. Heidi is a tenacious knowledgeable attorney woman who is a pleasure to work with. John Gaspar

~ John G

An Open Letter To Our Community

As we navigate the effects of business in our community, we wanted to share the following resources for you to peruse for you and your small business.

Governor Ron DeSantis recently issued Executive Order Number 20-91 “Essential Services and Activities During COVID-19 Emergency)”.  Here is a link to a copy of the Governor’s Executive Order.  

The City of Ormond has provided information below related to available programs to businesses effected by COVID-19, in particular the State’s Bridge Loan Program and the recently approved federal program Paycheck Protection Program.  

Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program

The Bridge Loan Program is available to small business owners located in Florida that are experiencing economic damage as a result of the COVID-19. These short-term, interest-free working capital loans are intended to “bridge the gap” between the time a major catastrophe hits and when a business has secured longer-term recovery resources.

Please visit: http://floridajobs.org/rebuildflorida/businessrecovery

Small Business Paycheck Protection Program

What: The Paycheck Protection Program provides small businesses with funds to pay up to 8 weeks of payroll costs including benefits. Funds can also be used to pay interest on mortgages, rent, and utilities.

How: You can apply through any existing SBA 7(a) lender or through any federally insured depository institution, federally insured credit union, and farm credit system institution that is participating. Please consult with your local lender as to whether it is participating.

Additional Resources:

  1. Small Business Paycheck Protection Program Overview
  2. PPP Information Sheet for Lenders
  3. PPP Information Sheet for Borrowers

Please visit:  SBA Paycheck Protection Program web page.

SBA Economic Disaster Injury Loan & Loan Advance

In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, small business owners in all U.S. states, Washington D.C., and territories are eligible to apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan advance of up to $10,000.

The SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program provides small businesses with working capital loans of up to $2 million that can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing. The loan advance will provide economic relief to businesses that are currently experiencing a temporary loss of revenue. Funds will be made available within three days of a successful application, and this loan advance will not have to be repaid.

To apply for a COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan, click here.


If you are a manufacturer or support the manufacturing industry please check-in with the resources with Florida Makes and the Volusia Manufacturers Association.

Additional Resources

Small Business Development Center at Daytona State College is available to assist with filing SBA Loans and Florida Disaster Loans. Please visit their website and request a consultation: https://www.daytonastate.edu/sbdc/ 

SCORE Volusia/Flagler — Score has information on available resources to businesses which can be acessed here. You can connect with the local chapter through this link.

 Ormond Beach Chamber of Commerce — Please visit the Chamber’s web page for updates and new campaigns to support the business community.

 City of Ormond Beach COVID-19 updates page: https://stories.opengov.com/ormondbeachfl/published/igYzbHQ6E

City of Daytona Beach COVID-19 updates https://www.daytonabeach.com/covid-19-coronavirus-update/

Daytona Beach Regional Chamber of Commerce Business updates https://www.daytonachamber.com/COVID-19-Member-Updates-6-17849.html

City of Port Orange COVID-19 Information Page https://www.port-orange.org/812/COVID-19-Information-Page

Southeast Chamber of Commerce COVID-19 Information Page https://www.sevchamber.com/




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