Wills, Probate

Trusts, Estate Planning

210 South Beach Street, Suite 202
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(386) 257-3332

Personal Representative

What a wonderful, professional Attorney my family and I found in Heidi Webb! For years, we put off creating a formal will and medical directives, but COVID-19 was the wake up we needed. I knew that we could no longer procrastinate. I searched around town and made a few phone calls and decided on Heidi’s firm. Everything went smoothly. In our first phone conversation, she shared valuable information about things that I never knew or considered. I really appreciated the advice. Her assistant, Molly was also very helpful. Heidi provided all the forms we needed to protect our family and property as well as our medical wishes. The process did not take long and was done via telephone, email, mail, and video conferencing. We could have gone into her office to complete the process, but we chose to use these methods due to COVID-19 restrictions. I am so thankful to Heidi and her team for their help getting things in order for our family. I consider her to be trustworthy and highly ethical. Based on our experience with Heidi and her team, I also consider her to be warm and welcoming with all varying types of people and cultures. Thanks again Heidi and Team!

~ Cecile B

I can't thank Heidi and staff enough for the help that was given in resolving my cousins/aunts estate. I live out of state and not being in Florida was never an issue with getting this complicated estate worked out. Every aspect was handled with courtesy and expedience. Thanks so much!!

~ David P

Dividing Family Jewelry Fairly

Dividing Family Jewelry Fairly in an Estate Plan

Family jewelry often carries sentimental value that far exceeds its monetary worth. When planning your estate, ensuring a fair and harmonious distribution of these precious items can be a delicate task. Here are some organizational tips to help you divide family jewelry in a manner that maintains family peace and celebrates memories:

Inventory and Appraisal

List all jewelry items: Begin by cataloging every piece of jewelry. This could be anything from heirloom necklaces to watches passed down through generations.

Get an appraisal: Having a professional valuation for each piece will ensure everyone knows its market value, minimizing disputes. This is especially useful for items that might have appreciated significantly over time.

Understand Sentimental Values

Conversations are key: Engage in open dialogues with family members to understand the sentimental value they associate with each item. Some might have emotional attachments to pieces you weren’t aware of.

Document stories: Knowing the history or story behind a piece can help assign value and importance to it. Preserve these tales for future generations.

Consider Different Division Methods

Equal Monetary Value: Dividing family jewelry so that each beneficiary receives a roughly equal total appraised value.

Rotating Selection Process: Each heir takes a turn choosing a piece until all items are selected. This can be combined with the monetary value method to ensure fairness.

Share and Rotate: For items of high sentimental value, consider a shared custody approach where heirs rotate possession at agreed intervals.

Incorporate into Legal Documents

Use a Memorandum: Many states allow for a separate personal property memorandum in conjunction with a will. This is a flexible way to list tangible items and their intended recipients.

Update Regularly: As you acquire or dispose of jewelry, or as sentiments and relationships change, make sure to revisit and adjust your plan.

Consider Alternative Solutions

Sell and Divide the Proceeds: If there’s no clear way to equitably divide the jewelry, consider selling the items and dividing the proceeds among the heirs.

Create New Heirlooms: Transform a single piece of jewelry into multiple items. For example, a necklace could become several pendants or rings.

Open Communication

Keep beneficiaries informed about the reasons behind your decisions. When they understand the effort you’ve put into ensuring fairness, they’re more likely to respect your choices.

Seek Professional Guidance

Estate planning attorneys or mediators can offer valuable advice, especially in complicated situations or when conflicts arise.

Dividing family jewelry in an estate plan requires a blend of tact, transparency, and legal foresight. By taking the time to ensure a fair distribution, you not only honor the past and cherished memories but also lay a foundation for future family harmony.

Heidi S. Webb, Attorney at Law, serves clients in Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, Port Orange, and beyond with matters of Estate Planning and Probate. Contact her today to schedule a free consultation. Visit her page on Facebook or see what her clients are saying to learn more about Heidi. 



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